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The Fitzrovia Chapel: A Hidden Historic Jewel

the fitzrovia chapel

In the middle of a very modern estate in Fitzrovia you will find something surprising: a little Victorian chapel. The Fitzrovia Chapel, a hidden jewel of a building, was built from 1891, designed by the gothic revival architect John Loughborough Pearson.  Its surroundings unsurprisingly once looks very different however, as it was originally at the […]

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10 London Street Names That Are Not Quite What They Seem

london street names

I think London’s street names are fascinating. They have often been passed down through the centuries and you can use them to read the history of the city around you. The stories behind some names are pretty obvious, for example, Milk Street was where medieval Londoners once purchased their milk. Wood Street and Bread Street

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Wilton’s: London’s Oldest Surviving Victorian Music Hall

wilton's music hall history

Just a ten minute walk from the Tower of London in Whitechapel is an extraordinary building with a unique atmosphere. Wilton’s Music Hall is one of the few surviving Victorian music halls in the country. Lots of websites seem to claim it is the oldest in the world, however Settle Victoria Music Hall in Yorkshire

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